Using the one of main competitors on Android, MindMeister.
Freemind mac android#

Freemind mac mac#
Mac pinch zooming was smooth if open nodes are under circa 200.Compare this to FreeMind which can handle showing way more than 200 nodes, I never tested or experience much lagging, but prolly 1,000 nodes or more. Lags on medium size mind maps – Expanding to about 200 nodes or more, the app started to lag when zooming or panning, consuming about 50-90% of CPU on my pampered MacBook Air, mid-2011.Ouch! No way to do this the files are diff /Users/davidregal/Dropbox/Entrepreneur.smmx Binary files /Users/davidregal/Dropbox/Entrepreneur.smmx and /Users/me/Dropbox/Entrepreneur (1).smmx differ Let’s try what savvy FreeMind on Linux or OS X user would do – compare the conflicting mind maps with diff.

No way to reconcile your conflict problems – Maybe there is a secret to syncing, but I know I won’t remember to sync in whatever certain way to avoid conflict, so, in light of this, how can I reconcile?.Props for recognizing the conflicts but -2 for not providing a way to help me out of my quandary.
Freemind mac pro#
What is worse, I went back to my Android device, opened up SimpleMind Pro there, and WOW, more conflicts and another mind map created. This means I probably have to remember to confirm the sync with Dropbox and SimpleMind happened. Minutes later, SimpleMind popped-up a notice that there was a conflict and SimpleMind would save another mind map. I modified on my Android device, went back to my Desktop, waited for the Dropbox notification “ was recently updated” in the upper right of my Mac, and started viewing the mind map in SimpleMind, and expanding nodes. So I paid $5 on Google Play to test my primary Android device with syncing. Conflicts of syncing – The syncing from Dropbox was pretty sweet and enticing feature, but I knew I had to buy to test if I would have problems.With auto-layout, searching in FreeMind is simple and clean. For all you Clint Eastwood fans :D, I must say, this is the ugly (see screenshot below): The currently highlighted node can sometimes be hidden, as it is below, depending on how you finagle the search. When searching for something such as “load”, the nodes expanded, no exploded, into an impossible amount of overlapping. In SimpleMind, I spent way too much time… maybe over 1 hour… compulsively organizer my higher level branches (pardon my advance math speak, but I’ll call the individual branch points nodes) as much as possible so they would not overlap. Poor search (find) support. Maybe my mind maps are huge.No practical way to reconcile the differences when a conflict arises.I quickly got 2 conflicts when syncing via Dropbox with my Android device.Practically speaking, I could not search (find) by keywords such as “load” because the lower branches (nodes) overlapped too much and I could not see the context. My mind maps are huge but lots of good info that I need in one place.