The wind makes things fairly comfortable on deck, and a t-shirt/shorts is adequate attire for pretty much every day. I’ve enjoyed the heat to some extent, though. It’s so strange having summer extend into November it’s almost as if we completely missed the fall season, given how warm September/early October was on shore. It’s a sauna below decks, with fans constantly rotating, and dorade orientation a top priority for watchstanders doing boat checks. The tropical heat can be felt by everyone on board. The weather has been getting much warmer as we veer closer to St. Today wasn’t really all that crazy, at least by Cramer standards. Unlikely, but I’ve got my fingers crossed.

I am still gunning for a “Christopher Watch-en” where we all speak like Christopher Walken for a full six hours.

The very next day, we overheard accented chatter from the “Australian A-Watch.” Shrimp on the barbie! Soon enough, we’d heard talk of Scottish Watches, plans for a Southern Watch… the possibilities for this brand of verbal amusement are truly endless. We had some prim and proper Downton Abbey accents, more cosmopolitan Londoner accents, and even a comically exaggerated Ali-G /chav vernacular (my personal accent of choice.) An idea this great or strange couldn’t remain exclusive to one watch, however. The genesis of this concept came in the form of the “British B-Watch.” On that fateful evening, the members of my very own B Watch decided to speak the Queen’s English for approximately four hours. Often for hours at a time, certain watch groups will speak primarily in a specific brand of accent. Perhaps now is a better time than ever to address one of the stranger phenomenons that has popped up on our trip: the accented watches. Request Information – Faculty and Advisors.